After forming In 1979, we have performed over 100 different plays and shows. We have had success with a range of genres including musical variety shows, comedies, and more serious straight plays and musicals. More recently we have enjoyed performing popular titles such as Dad’s Army, Allo Allo and Calendar Girls, which raised £1200 for Sue Ryder and Macmillan cancer charities. We are always interested in trying something new and in utilising the many skills and talents of our group members.
YAP was founded and performed their first show 'Bluebeard'
YAP Perfomed three shows 'Time & Time Again', 'Punch & Judy & 'Humpty Dumpty'
YAP Performs four shows, 'Mother Figure', 'Punch & Judy', 'Old Time Music Hall' & 'Aladdin'
YAP Performs five shows, 'They Call It Murder', 'Punch & Judy', 'Review', 'Bushfield Drama Festival' & 'Sleeping Beauty'
YAP Performs five shows, The Bathroom Door, French Polishing, Sparrows, The Unexpected Guest & Little Red Riding Hood
YAP Performs Eight shows, Gosforth’s Fete Miasma in Mostyn Mews, Dark Brown, Midsummer Madness, Old Tyme Music Evening, Jack & the Beanstalk, The Real Inspector Hound & Anyone for Tennis
YAP Performs Three Shows, Just The Ticket, The Legend Of Blue Willow & Snow White
YAPY Performs The Wizard Of OZ
YAP Performs Rumpelstiltskin, Round & Round the Garden, We Can’t Pay, We Won’t Pay, Pinocchio (Yapy) & Boeing, Boeing
YAP Performs Dick Whittington Table Manners & Oliver Twist (Yapy)
YAP Performs The Legend of the Blue Willow (Yapy) , Living Together & Summer Punch & Judy
YAP Performs Hickory Dickory Dock, The Evil Eye of Gondor (Yapy), The Bus Stop & Ladies This Is War
YAP Performs Mother Goose & The Good Old Days
YAP Performs Mother Santa In Space, Murder At Deem House & United We Stand (Yapy)
Yap Performs, Humpty Dumpty, Dracula Spectacular, Comedy Time, Surgical Sensation at St. Sennapods (Yapy)
Yap Performs Frankenstein the Panto
Yap Performs Ali Baba & the 40 Thieves & Todd Shock ‘n’ Roll Show
Yap Performs Pinocchio
Yap Performs Dick Turpin, James & the Giant Peach & Worlds Apart
Yap Performs Babes in the Wood
Yap Performs Sleeping Beauty & The Evil Eye of Gondor (Yapy)
Yap Performs Cinderella
Yap Performs Little Miss Muffet & The Snow Queen (Yapy)
Yap Performs Beauty & the Beast, Those were the Days (Yap & Yapy) Off to Ma’s & The Last Dance (Yapy)
Yap Performs Jack & Jill, Beyond Broadway & United We Stand (Yapy)
Yap Perfroms, Little Jack Horner, Songs from the Musicals, The Evil Eye of Gondor (Yapy), The Factory Children (Yapy), 25th Anniversary, The Haunted Through Lounge and Recessed Dining Nook, The Idiot King & A Dragon for Dinner (Yapy), The Snow Queen (Yapy), Gosforth’s Fete & Surgical Sensation at St. Sennapod’s
Yap Performs, Frankenstein the Panto, Musical Mayhem & Peter Pan (Yapy)
Yap Performs, Cinderella, At Holme with YAP, Oliver (Yapy) & Ladies This Is War
Yap Performs, Sleeping Beauty, Against the Wall & Sweeney Todd (Yapy)
Yap Performs, Dick Whittington, Shake, Rattle & Run & Worlds Apart
Yap Performs, Snow White, Not Quite the End of the Pier Show & Adenekin
Yap Performs, Once Upon A Time, ‘Allo ‘Allo! & Space time Mania (Yapy)
Yap Performs, A Long Time Ago, Surgical Sensation at St. Sennapod’s, Alice in Boogie Wonderland & A Load of Rubbish (Yapy)
Yap Performs, Hansel & Gretel, Midsummer Nights, A Brief Period of Rejoicing, A Murder Is Announced & A Christmas Compass (Yapy)
Yap Performs, Jack & the Beanstalk, Dad’s Army, Calendar Girls, Off to Ma’s & The Last Dance (Yapy)
Yap Performs, Aladdin, The Dracula Spectacula Show, Alice in Boogie Wonderland, Foul play at Fotheringhay, 35th Anniversary, Worlds Apart
Yap Performs, Happily ever after, Murder in Hollywood, A Platinum Concert Party & Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Yap Performs, Treasure Island, Jack the Ripper, Drama in Court, Neighbourhood Watch & Adenekin
Yap Performs, Humpty Dumpty, Elves & the Toy Makers, Murder by Lemon Drizzle, Blythe Spirit & Evil Eye of Gondor
Yap Performs, Robin Hood, Caribbean Catastrophe & Peter Pan
Yap Performs, Bluebeard, Showstoppers, Frosset: A Causeway to a Murder, The Ghost Train & Alice
Yap Performs Pinocchio